Personal Portfolio

My personal portfolio / CV in its fifth incarnation.

I have been working on this website as part of a learning exercise to sharpen my skills in the important areas of web application development. I built this from scratch so I could gain a deeper understanding of all the moving parts and how they interact with one another.

I wanted to know more about topics such as:

  • Exploring TypeScript and applying this to the whole Redux/Saga/ToolKit set up.
  • Building a performant website and PWA (progressive web application) with content caching and offline capability.
  • Better dependency management and code splitting with webpack, then Vite
  • Improving content delivery timing and performance with static site generation.
  • Building the website with Docker Compose and using an Nginx reverse proxy to serve secure and compressed content.
  • Typing everything together with a CirlceCI testing and deployment pipeline.

With this project, I have been able to wrap my mind around the crucial concepts of modern web development so that I can answer the basic "How do I do this?" questions that preceed many engineering challenges.

I have also Open-sourced this project and put it on GitHub in the hope that others can learn from it too.