
I'm Matt Finucane, a Senior Software Engineer from Dublin, Ireland.

Picture of Matt Finucane

I have nineteen years of postgraduate experience working with a wide variety of projects across multiple domains and in different workplace settings.

I have worked with agencies on their clients' projects, as well as in-house - both on-site and remotely from home and from shared office spaces.

My primary focus is on building single page web and mobile applications in TypeScript that are performant, scalable and easy to maintain.

Please feel free to take a look around this website, which showcases my skills, experience, projects and where I am now.


  • Effective communication skills; training, presentations, documentation and delegation.
  • Practice and advocate the highest development standards.
  • In-depth understanding of technologies across multiple domains.
  • Strong analytical thinking and problem solving skills.
  • Life-long learner with strong interest in continuous professional development.

Current tech stack

These are the tools and languages I work with primarily over the last three years. I have used these every day on every project I have worked on.

  • TypeScript
  • ECMAScript
  • Web Components
  • ReactJS
  • React Native
  • React Hooks
  • Redux Saga
  • CSS in JS
  • PWA
  • CSS Grid
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Docker Compose
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Nginx
  • Linux
  • Yarn/NPM
  • Vite
  • webpack
  • Vitest
  • Jest
  • Testing Library
  • Supertest
  • VSCode
  • CircleCI
  • Git
  • ESLint
  • Stylelint
  • Lighthouse
  • BabelJS

Legacy tech stack

These were languages and tools I used in the past, but have not used in the last three years.

  • PHP
  • Python
  • C++
  • Objective C
  • C#
  • PolymerJS
  • MeteorJS
  • jQuery
  • ExtJS/Sencha
  • Gulp
  • CodeIgniter
  • Perch CMS
  • WordPress
  • Django
  • MySQL
  • Apache
  • Hugo
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • SinonJS
  • Enzyme
  • WebStorm

Contact me

If you are looking for somebody with strong technical and communication skills to take on a project at any stage in its lifecycle, please feel free to reach out to me@mattfinucane.com.

If you are contacting me from a recruitment agency or are reaching out to offer me web development / SEO services, I have all these covered. Thanks.